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She may be the first congresswoman I’ve ever thought was sexy.

LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
New thread!


  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    edited July 2019
    Did you guys follow the hoopla with the ambassador of the UK? Secret diplomatic cables from the emabassor to the British government, dating from 2017 to 2019, were leaked to a shitty UK tabloid. They included the ambassador's unflattering assessments of the Trump administration, e.g. that it was "inept and insecure". In response, Nigel Farage said the ambassador was "totally unsuitable" for office and then President Shit-fer-brains tweeted that Darroch was "not liked or well thought of within the US" and that "we will no longer deal with him". The ambassador resigned his post today.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    To be fair the ambassador probably thought he'd be dealing with grown ass adults about real issues, not humoring a man baby. He's likely delighted to have an out.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    A native American speaker introduced the show by reminding us that we're all on Potawatomi land. Then a gay black man with a Hebrew prayer scarf and a soprano voice sang "The Star Spangled Banner" while an androgynous, possibly albino person signed the words to his right.

    In short, I love you, Chicago.
  • moetownmoetown Posts: 3,297
    Well, I’ve soured on K. Harris. I guess it’s better to learn things about candidates BEFORE deciding to root for them. Now I’m back to considering Jay Inslee even though he’s a 68-year-old white guy.
  • moetownmoetown Posts: 3,297
    I also want that $1,000 a month Andrew Yang is promising. I think all the candidates should pledge to give me $1,000 a month no matter who ends up with the nomination.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    What made you sour on Harris, Moe?
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
    edited July 2019
    I listened to an extended interview with Jay Inslee on NPR last night. I liked him. He can speak thoughtfully on any subject, not just climate. If some freak accident happened and he wound up the nominee, I'd happily vote for and probably volunteer for him.

    I just don't see him ever getting out of single digits in a field with so many household names.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    I still like Harris, but I understand souring on her. When you scratch the surface a little, she's basically a cop. She did a bunch of shitty stuff as a DA.

    Inslee might have had a better night the first debate if he'd avoided the self-aggrandizing "I am the only candidate who...." intros he used for everything. Explaining women's reproductive rights to three women on stage with wasn't a good look.

    I still like him as a Veep or cabinet member.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    I am more impressed with Harris's ability to kick ass politically than her actual background/platform.
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
    Agreed. I wish we could fuse some of the various character traits and backgrounds into a super-candidate.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    If I make lists ranking them all on platform/vision, ability to win, likability, indefinable "presidentialness," trustworthiness, plausibility of them funding/building a coalition, I get different lists. Only Warren and Harris do well in two thirds or more of those. Others peak high in one or two (Sanders for platform and trustworthiness, Buttigieg for coalition building) but don't impress much in anything else. Inslee does well in many/most of those, except for making me believe he can build a winning campaign.
  • moetownmoetown Posts: 3,297
    I’m really turned off by her time as AG in California when she tried to keep someone in prison after he had proven his innocence. Apparently she did the same thing to several people incarcerated as a result of official misconduct. Someone should ask her to apologize to those people during the next debate.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    Courtney Barnett was great, btw. And M_____ got mega cool spouse points for showing up and surprising me there. I hate going to shows alone.
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    This article breaks down Harris's DA record:

    TL;DR is: she was in office for a long time and because of the nature of her job, a lot happened with her name stamped on it. She could have down more and better, but a lot of the worst stuff attributed to her wasn't specifically her doing at all.

    I'm wary of some of this stuff, but I'm also sympathetic to the idea that someone in charge of a large governmental org for a long time will have a record that is complex and doesn't always make them look great.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    edited July 2019
    The funny thing is, a lot of people in the democrat base still care about these kinds of things. Amongst republicans, appearing to be an asshole is a plus.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    Stupid shit that made me laugh:

    442 x 442 - 43K
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    edited July 2019
    Here's a picture of Charlie asking for ham. Charlie likes ham and he expects, nay, demands ham when I make sammiches. Gimme ham, hooman!

    Plus, you get to see part of my new remodeled kitchen.
    640 x 480 - 75K
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    edited July 2019
    And I got banned again from the guitar place I frequent! It happens periodically: the admins have pets posters, they're generally veterans and they're often idiots, but being veterans, they don't have to follow house rules, so they can say whatever they want. Apparently, if you been in the shit, you get a pass. And whenever I troll one of them, I get kicked out.

    So then I register again, under a different name, and keep a low profile. Until one of the pet posters says something really stupid and I can't resist having a bit of fun at his expense.

    And then the moron gets all butthurt and complains: the thing about right wing internet assholes is that they dish it out, but they can't take it. The admins notice me, they rub their few remaining brain cells together, look up my IP and figure, after a lot of effort, that it's me all over again.

    I get banned. I register. And so on. It's fun!
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
    Kitchen looks great, my friend. nice and sunny like I like.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    Thanks, Eric! It is sunny. Not too much in summer, as the sun is usually too high in the sky, but in winter there's direct sunlight coming in for most of the afternoon, which is nice. It's one of the reasons we bought the house.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    SIR! YES, SIR!
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    Last night, when Courtney did "Depreston" she said we were welcome to sing along. I did, with gusto, while virtually no one else in my section did and I am about 70% sure she nodded and tipped her guitar at me specifically.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    I'm tipping my guitar in your general direction, Jeff.
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    Woa, big thunderstorm happening in my neck of the woods right now! Cap, is your kid still here?
  • moetownmoetown Posts: 3,297
    Kudos on the CB guitar tip!
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
    Woa, big thunderstorm happening in my neck of the woods right now! Cap, is your kid still here?
    No, they got home late last night. they had a blast and not a single person died!!!
  • LefunesteLefuneste Posts: 8,056
    edited July 2019
    They all survived unscathed? What, no venereal disease, no alcohol poisoning, no time in the slammer? Not even a scar or a tat? That doesn't sound like a memorable trip to me! Kids these days.
  • captqitncaptqitn Posts: 3,637
  • Jurf_WurburJurf_Wurbur Posts: 5,528
    Going to see De La Soul today. Then Mekons tomorrow.
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